Setting personal goals for the new year.

2020 was not something that we wished or prayed for. It was certainly not as we hoped for, but it was surely an eye-opener for us in many ways. It taught us a lot of things and it surely made us realize what is important in our lives. We take a lot of things for granted, and the year taught us that we must be grateful for what we have, and take every moment to appreciate how blessed we are. We are quick to complain about the things that we don’t have, but the year made us realize that there are so many unfortunate ones who don’t even have the luxury of basic necessities. Now that we have entered the new year, we must set a few goals for ourselves and must stick to following them. Let’s make 2021 worth the pain that 2020 caused us.

First and foremost, start by taking care of yourselves. We all lead a hectic life and it is a little difficult to take out time from the busy schedule, we get it. But, taking care of your health is extremely important, as health is what is going to sustain you while everything goes down the drain. 2020 showed us the importance of health, and how we must look out for ourselves. Start by eating healthy and exercising a little bit. Don’t work out too much, for the sake of being thin, that’s not the point. Just make sure that your body gets enough nourishment so that it can fight the circumstances. Choose any form of exercise, it might be walking, running, cycling, swimming, etc. Just take care of your health, as it is said: “Health is wealth”.

Don’t take your job for granted. This is another goal that you must set, as you are lucky enough to be working and earning. A lot of people lost their jobs and a lot of businesses failed in 2020, which is why being thankful for what we have is so essential. Hence make sure that you are dedicated to your work and will not take it for granted. Work twice as hard, and with complete honestly as it is the job that provides us the livelihood and we must be grateful for it. 

Lastly, take some time out for your loved ones. We forget how important those people are in our lives, and we unknowingly neglect them. This year, ensure that you spend some quality time with your loved ones, as they also deserve love and respect. Just have a meal with them, help them with their work, or just simply ask how their day was. It’s not hard, it will make you feel happier as well. Spending some time will your loved ones, will ease out all the stress and burden of the day, and will help you feel lighter and calmer. 

Lastly, try and be a good person. Know what is right, and what is wrong. Being a good person is not hard. We are humans first, and practicing humanity is our first responsibility. 2020 gave us a new way of seeing life, it almost gave us a new vision. We understood, how humanity prevails everything which is why leading a helping hand is something that you must include in your ‘to-do” list. You don’t need to do a lot, just be honest and help people in need. It makes a lot of difference, not just in someone else’s lives but yours too.