Thanks to Snapchat for never failing in entertaining its user. With the fantastic filters, interacting with influencers, bringing the world closer, and its many features. But is the Snapchat filters a boon? Think again.

Of course, it entertains peoples and gives them much content with its different voice feature. It also allows a person to look prettier and portray a different person in front of others. When that person removes the filter and the reality kicks in, the person starts feeling insecure. This creates a lack of confidence and self-love amongst oneself.

Snapchat introduces such filters for entertainment, but now these filters affect body image and causing Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD). BDD is a mental health disorder that forces one to think about their perceived defects or flaws in their appearance — a flaw that appears minor or can’t be seen by others is made a fuss. This creates a person feel inferior and embarrassed, ashamed, and anxious that they tend to avoid many social situations.

One has to understand that selfies can make people forget about reality, creating their expectations. It makes people look perfect all the time, and the truth scares them.