Taking naps in the workplace and how it worked for Japan.

The Japanese companies have started creating a space for the employees to sleep if they fall asleep while working. There are nap or restrooms in the offices, but we have never used them, so to make the employees feel fresh and recharged, it is useful. 

Benefits of regular naps

Regular naps relax the body and make you feel more comfortable when you work. It is a fact that when you work on a laptop or PC, you feel sleepy; it will also move your attention and concentration from work. So, stay enthusiastic all the time at the workplace; the napping system is the best option.

How is the napping culture working in Japan?

Mitsubishi Estate in Tokyo has started the system of creating naps room in the office. The Chief Executive Officer Junichi Yoshida says that there are restrooms in the offices, but nobody uses them. He wanted to have rest, not in the traditional manner, just sitting and lying in the chair. Therefore a space for napping was created in the office to make the employee feel recharged. 

Tokyo Internet-services company GMO Internet has set up a working nap space to have a good break at the time of works. Here the period of nap starts after lunch by calling every employee to have a nap. There were 27 cots placed in the room, and 80% of the cots were occupied.

Takanori Koyabshi, CEO of NeuroSpace & Co, has developed a program for its employees to improve nap quality. According to him, having 20-30 min of power nap makes productivity and work quality better. Therefore, the nap room has been created.

These are the various instances where the napping culture is carried out in Japan.