The most entertaining brand feuds of all time

Social media is a two-way street, and for each furiously posted tweet, there’s a brand making use of Twitter to refine its picture and give rise to customer satisfaction. These epic brand “fights” may not be as emotional or snarky as celebrity fights, yet, when brands bring their social media sass to the table, everyone wins. 

Oreo versus AMC Theaters 

Oreo’s social media presence has intrigued us. When Oreo posted a tweet in September 2012 indicating bringing the famous milk cookies to the movie theater, AMC Theatres called them out for sneaking snacks in. Oreo followed up with a “don’t hate the player, hate the game” response, but AMC emerged as the clear victor here.

Oreo versus Kit Kat 

When Laura Ellen referenced Oreo and Kit-Kat in her tweet that read “Can tell I like chocolate a bit too much when I’m following @KITKAT and @Oreo”, she didn’t understand her brand loyalty was valued to such an extent. That is until Kit-Kat provoked Oreo to a duel of tic tac toe for her fondness. This one might have gone numerous ways, with fans urging the two brands to duke it out on the Tic Tac Toe board, yet Oreo picked the most secure, amusing and startling way by completing Kit-Kar. Oreo even changed Kit-Kat’s tagline for a little punch at themselves. 

Old Spice versus Taco Bell 

On account of smart advertisements, Old Spice has been a top choice among consumers for quite a while. Their Twitter fight with Taco Bell takes the cake for us. It begins with Old Spice offering an impromptu remark about Taco Bell’s “fire sauce” not utilizing any genuine fire and accordingly, is an instance of false advertising. In no time, Taco Bell reacted by inquiring as to whether old spices were the ingredients for the brand’s products. Despite the fact that Old Spice got back with another response, Taco Bell appeared to be the unmistakable winner.