Tips for handling stress during exams.

Exam season is the most dreaded time of the year for students While some believe that the pressure and anxiety exams bring with them ultimate benefit students, science suggests others. When we’re stressed, our brain releases high levels of cortisol which can cloud the way we think and gets in the way of rational thoughts. Therefore, it is important that we remain as calm and collected as possible during the exam. We know that that is easier said than done, which is why we have a list of things that will relieve your stress as much as possible. 

  1. Tidy up: Studies have proved that a clean environment leads to a clean mind. The more cluttered your desk is, the more stressed you will feel. Organize your desk, keep only essentials around, tidy up the rest of your room to have a more focused study session. 
  2. Have a designated study place: It might be convenient and cozy to get all the books on the bed and study while lying down. However, experts say that if you have a designated area for studying, you feel more productive. It is important to separate the place where you study and the place where you relax. This allows your brain to understand how efficiently it must work to give the best results. 
  3. Use the pomodoro technique: The Pomodoro technique is a time management system created by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. Many students swear by this technique. So how do you do it? It’s quite simple. Pick a task and then set the timer for 25 minutes. Once the timer is up, take a short 5-minute break and then start again. After 4 of such sessions take a longer 15–20 minute break. The idea is that it is easier and more efficient to study for shorter periods than for 3-4 hours at a stretch. 
  4. Keep your phone away: Your smartphone is your biggest distraction that makes you procrastinate for hours. The best way is to keep it in a different room or switch off notifications so you don’t get tempted to look at it when it buzzes.