Using personal social media while at work.

We spend a lot of time on social media, whether it’s to post something or even to scroll through aimlessly when bored. When at work, there seem to be times when you have a break between work, so what do you do? Social media is the easiest and most obvious answer that comes to mind. Scrolling through your feed to check on what’s going on with your friends or even with the world, in general, seems like a good way to spend your free time. 

 Using personal social media while at work should not be a big problem since it’s still a part of your life. Work life and personal life, though different from each other, are not two completely separate entities in themselves. They are bound to overlap in some way or the other, and social media seems like a pretty harmless way for that to happen. You cannot expect to be completely cut-off from the outside world while at your office so it’s inevitable that personal social media will be used. 

While it’s not such a bad thing, this mostly relies on the fact that it should not be affecting your work productivity. Social Media is supposed to be for you to take a break from work but not as a way to distract you from what you need to do. This is more of a small reward for having done your work well and on time. 

To conclude, while using your personal social media at work is not necessarily a bad thing, you just have to make sure it does not affect your work. We cannot separate our work life and personal life so such an overlap is bound to happen. We just need to find the balance and not let either one of them spill over into the other.