Weird jobs that people actually have

We all know that there are many job opportunities available in today’s world. 

My question to all of you is, are you bored with your current job? Are you looking for new and crazy opportunities? You have come to just the right place. Here are a few options:

Full-Time Netflix Viewer

Just imagine being paid to sit and watch TV for the whole day. Sounds like a lot of fun right?. This role is meant for people to watch all of Netflix’s content before it goes public. They are supposed to review and give suggestions for each show and make sure that its marketing is in line with the content. 

Odor Judge

In this job, every new product has to be tested for the smell. To make sure their judgment is accurate, all the staff has a monthly ‘sense of smell’ check.

Dog Food Taster

So the job of the dog food taster is to taste new food product made for dogs. They do this to test for flavor and texture in comparison to rival dog food brands and human food.

Professional Sleeper

Some hotels and mattress companies hire staff to check their products and give an honest review and expert suggestions

Wedding or Party Guest

This is a part-time job in many places where people hire guests to attend their wedding. It is a common practice in Japan.

So mentioned above are some of the crazy and weird jobs people do to earn a living.