What is color psychology and how it affects us.

We all have a favorite color, don’t we? Out of so many colors, we only choose one, why? It is mainly because that particular color resonates with our thoughts, ideas, and personality. For instance, people who usually wear black clothes and apply dark makeup are considered to be fans of the gothic era. This is because black is generally associated with dark and negative feelings. In the same way, different colors are associated with different feelings, thoughts, and emotions. This phenomenon is known as color psychology. 

What is Color Psychology?

Color psychology uses the study of hues and shades to determine human behavior. Certain qualities in colors cause different emotions in people. Color psychology uses people’s emotions and values to understand how different colors affect their behavior in certain ways. Marketers and advertisers extensively make use of color psychology to promote their products and services. 

Every color is associated with different emotions and is used in things like therapy, advertisements, marketing, games, and many other things. 

Here are some colors and the emotions related to them:

  • Red- Lust, power, love, excitement, anger.
  • Green- Envy, good taste, health.
  • Blue- Reliability, corporate environment, competence, masculinity.
  • Pink- Sophistication, femininity, sincerity.
  • Yellow- Competence, happiness, inexpensive, low quality.
  • Black- Grief, sophistication, expensive, fear, death. 
  • Violet- Authority, sophistication, power. 

Colors are associated with the placebo effect and the pills that come with it. Placebo is a substance developed for therapy and treatment. But they do not have any therapeutic value. It was found that in the placebo effect, red-colored tablets worked better as stimulants and blue-colored tablets worked better as depressants. This proves that the association of colors is in our minds. 

Different kinds of lighting also affect people’s moods. Blue light is known to make people feel relaxed and stress-free. This led many countries to put up blue lights to prevent suicide. Colors play with our minds and their qualities affect us in many ways. 

Colors are everywhere and they affect us in ways we cannot even think of.