What role did social media play at the start of the pandemic vs the current situation

Social media has become a fundamental part of our daily. It is not just an entertainment platform but also helps companies and other industries with promotions. A platform where people connect and form a community. An easier way for companies to connect with their customers and prospect customers. Social media has become a faster approach for any piece of information and news.

Social media has transformed from an entertainment platform to an awareness platform. Social media has become a prime source of information but it also provides fake news and misinformation. It has evolved as a platform to create positivity and awareness. 

Earlier companies used to sell, promote, and make their brand identity but with the crisis, nowadays it is more like connecting to the customers and let them bond together. This platform has changed to a community where people stand for each other, raise their voices, and support them emotionally.

People also trust social media for news and information. Before the crisis, it was the main source of fake news but they have made few changes regarding this issue for instance Instagram has taken some strict measures about Covid-19 posts, only the official health organization can publish news related to Covid-19. Besides this, we should also take a pledge to not circulate any fake news on social media platforms.

The fun fact during this crisis was the trending funny quarantine videos where people were taking challenges and were following different trends. It was also a platform where celebrities and influencers were positing videos by creating awareness about social-distancing and do’s and don’ts of this pandemic.

Social media was more like a friend where people were sharing their experiences, shortcomings, and to spread positivity among the public. It motivated people to try new things, to involve in different courses, pursue their hobbies, and to chill! This crisis was new to everyone and social media helped people to survive this together.