Why baking is good for your mental health!

When things are out of our control, we can often start feeling helpless and confused. In baking, following the recipe and measuring ingredients give people a sense of normalcy and routine. This can make people feel like they have control over some part of their life, which can be really reassuring to many.Psychologists have found evidence that in fact baking can be stress relieving and help in alleviating anxiety too.

There is a certain pattern and flow to baking, it feels rather familiar and can be helpful to anyone who craves routine. Who knew that the term “stress baking” is not too far off from the actual reason!

Baking is an activity that takes up your entire attention, even when it is simple and repetitive, it can have a meditative quality to it. The process of measuring ingredients carefully, whisking up things and gently folding ingredients in, can create a mindful state and also ease negative mentality even if it is only for a few hours.

Psychologists have discovered a strong association between creative expression and overall mental wellbeing, so trying out new recipes, making bold choices and even decorating your creations in a new way can help nurture your creativity. It does not just end there, baking can actually invigorate the senses. The feel of different ingredients, the sounds coming from different equipments being used and most importantly the smell of the delicious final product, all of these things can stimulate the senses and pump up your serotonin levels.

The happiness and satisfaction that comes with being successful in baking, can instill confidence in their own set of skills. It can even make them feel proud of themselves.This can be very helpful to people who are insecure about their own abilities or always doubt themselves.