Why some famous brands face a boycott

It’s not a new thing when a brand faces backlash or boycott. This phenomenon has become quite prevalent because of the internet. In this day and age, one can sign an online petition or point out an objectional issue unknown to ordinary people. 

No wonder it has become quite suffocating for many marketers to promote their brand. They never know what will offend people or which statement will be taken out of context. That’s why brands should be very conscious of every marketing step; one wrong move can destroy the whole brand’s reputation that sometimes can even be beyond repair. 

The main problem is political agendas. Not just in the west but even in many Asian countries, there is a conflict between two political ideologies. It has become a vicious cycle if a brand promotes a political ideology or features those people even indirectly through their ad campaigns. For example, if a brand ambassador endorses a certain brand and somehow sparks political controversy. It’s not only this person who will face repercussions but also the endorsed brand. 

Indeed, it is a matter of concern for many business people. One cannot predict how things may go wrong. The best thing one can do is try to be apolitical as much as possible. One shouldn’t try to be an opportunist by bashing a specific political personality in order to gain customers from the other side. Things can change in no time, and the tables can turn around. 

You will be surprised to know that brands like Amazon, Apple, Goya, Honda, Toyota, Nike, Asahi, Walmart, Nissan, and Hyundai have faced backlash several times. Even for these famous brands, it took time to recover from the damage done. The ideal way is to stay away from any political issues. Play safe.