Why you should protect those who cry easily.

We often admire people who have a very strong personality, we compliment how they do not cry easily or can maintain a neutral emotional state even in emotionally distressing times. At the same time, we often make fun of or ridicule people who cry easily. This is a stigma that we need to let it go.

We are all different from each other and we also react to different stimuli in our own unique ways. This should not give anybody the right to judge which reaction is better than the other. We often cry as a reaction to almost any stimuli, we can cry when we are angry, sad, happy, etc. It is a natural reaction and is nothing to be ashamed of. 

Crying shows vulnerability but can also show the strength of a person who is in touch with their emotions completely and not afraid to show it even when they get judged for it. Providing them with reassurance and care can often go a long way whenever a person who cries easily is distressed. 

Simply acknowledge their feelings and let them know that you understand the reason they are reacting that way, this will make them feel validated. Avoid telling them to stop crying because it is shameful or anything negative. Reassure them that their reaction is justified and they have a right to react in any way they want. Encourage them to talk when they are okay to do so, rushing them will not do any good as they can feel even more stressed. Instead of trying to cheer them up, you can simply be with them as a solid company lending them the strength and motivation they need to pick themselves back up again. Often people who cry easily are made to feel like their reactions are over the top and they are doing so for attention, this can be seriously disheartening to anyone. So, reassuring them that they can cry all they want since you are there to be strong on their behalf is the best way to go.