Automation; is it good or bad

Automation is a process where machines are trained to follow a certain procedure to fulfill a task which helps to save on manpower and reduce the possibilities of human errors. It still requires humans to set automated protocols. This technological advancement is limited by human imagination and capability. You can feel data, format inputs, and set the goals to be achieved by machines with your imagination. Apart from that, humans use their brains to give commands to various systems, create rules, and consider the context of how those machines are going to be used. With the ever-increasing rate of automation, many jobs have been taken over by machines with artificial intelligence. Let’s try to discern the advantages and disadvantages of automation and decide if it’s good or bad.


● High production rates – increased productivity

● Creative use of resources

● Better quality product

● Enhanced safety

● Less pressure for workers – protecting them from the hazardous factory environment

● Less time required to complete the production process


● Job displacement

● Loss of jobs or relocation results in emotional tension among the workers

● Increased capital expenditure – to design, assemble and install the machinery

● Chances of wasting a lot of time and money if automation doesn’t fit the context of what you’re working in.

These disadvantages aside, if automation is utilized efficiently and effectively, it can generate enormous opportunities for the future. It will help alleviate humans to work in a repetitive, precarious, and unpleasant environment, providing them with a decent lifestyle.