Fun party games to play with friends

Tired of playing charades and never have I ever at parties? Now, as you already know all the actions of charades and every intimate detail about your friends through Truth and Dare, it must be boring to play the same game, again and again. Can’t think of any other good games to play with friends? We’ve got you covered. Here’s a list of fun games to play with your friends at parties. These games will make the parties much more interesting, entertaining, and filled with laughter.

  1. Who am I?
    A thinking game that requires you to act or draw a famous person on paper. The fun starts when your friends start guessing who you’re pretending to be.
  2. What’s that strange thing?
    How well can you guess with your sense of touch? Put different kinds of things in a bowl. You can pick balls, unusual stuff, soft toys, or anything that you find strange. Blindfold your friend and let him/her guess what’s the item that they have touched.
  3. The Voting game
    Filled with laughter, this game includes reading a card aloud, like, ‘Who eats a lot and never gets fat?’ and everyone votes for one another and themselves anonymously. The person with the most votes gets to guess who they think voted for them.
  4. Cherry Pie
    Each player has to eat cherries with their hands tied at their back. Whoever eats the most number of cherries wins.
  5. Bite the Bag
    Players need to lift a bag off the ground without using anything but their teeth. You can’t make your feet leave the ground.
  6. Would you rather?
    Sit in a circle. Ask the friend next to you, “Would you rather….” giving them challenging situations like ‘Would you rather not have food for a year or not bathe for a year?’. After the reply, they’ll ask the person next to them a different question. Continue until you’re unable to think of any more.

Pick a game that works best for you and remember them for your next party. These easy-to-explain and easy-to-play games can fuel the party’s energy when it begins to fall.