Don’t fit into the mold; break it!

Don’t fit the mold. Break it! This statement is true on many levels. We always try to adhere to the norms and rules of society. Though it is good on many levels, sometimes one feels trapped. If your ideologies do not match with a certain section of people, you shouldn’t force yourself into it. But human nature is such that we tend to impress people even if we don’t agree with them. We try to fit into a mold that is not meant for us. This traps our energies and blocks our perspectives. Forcefully agreeing with other people restricts your horizons and puts you in an unwanted place. For instance, if 10 people are pursuing an MBA, you don’t need to do too. You could start your own business!

Breaking the mold can take you to places you couldn’t have imagined. It frees up your energies enabling you to excel in whatever you do. 

Here are some reasons why fitting the mold isn’t always the best:

It puts pressure on you:

Fitting into the mold creates pressure on you. this is unwanted pressure as you are trying to fit into a place that you don’t belong. This pressure could create and a hindrance to your growth. It is better to break free than to stay pressurized. 

It becomes an unwanted identity:

The mold you try to fit into becomes your identity eventually. This identity has been forced upon you because you don’t belong there in the first place. Hence, breaking the mold and creating your own identity is more important.

It puts an end to your skills:

Now, because your identity has been overshadowed, your skills are too. You don’t realize your true potential when you are trying to fit into a mold. So, take a step back and analyze yourself. This will make you realize your true potential. 

The above-mentioned are some of the demerits of fitting into a mold. Now, it is up to you to decide for yourself.