How to Motivate your content writer
To the uninitiated, content writing brings an image of a barrage of words, sporting bewildering pronunciations, spewed across a page in a frenzy of rage; while scuffling to meet the boundary of word limits, embroiled as they are in a tussle for superiority of content as they sprint to catch the deadlines whooshing past.
Charming, isn’t it?
But that’s not all what a content writer does.
There’s an anxiety to meet the deadlines and yet not pull the plug on creativity and produce run-of-the-mill stuff. There’s artistry in editing the rambling pieces of stanzas to loop them in a waltz of ingenuity and originality.
There are days when the content writer looks at the pile of work, and utters a despairing sigh at the writer’s block he’s possessed by. Or times when the writer’s besieged by a pull to shake the client at their uncertainty of decision. There are times when drained of words, we stare bereft at the computer screen.
But, we always come back to this. For there’s a pull in writing; an irresistible urge to hold the pen and spin yarns of your own fabrication, take the words static as they are, and swirl them in a beauty of words, feelings and emotions.
No matter the bags beneath the eyes, or the fissures in composure, your writer will continue to churn out the most killer of stuff, provided they’re given freedom and encouragement.
Here’s how you encourage them:
- Let them be them
All editors were writers once. This, they often believe, automatically grants them the pass to molding every written piece to their own style.
Accept individuality and encourage creativity. Don’t be over zealous with boundaries, but do exercise restraints where necessary. - Create a content schedule in advance
A writer cannot make articles endlessly. They require their own 2 minutes of calm, to begin renewed. Creating a content schedule is a great way to ensure that great content is churned out, no matter what, as a writer can plan ahead of time and fix a timelines constituting other activities as well. - Encourage them
A writer subsists on a diet of praises, pizza and pepsi. (Hello alliteration! ) Encourage them, praise them and you’ll be astounded at the talent your writer can be. - Allow creative freedom
Too many editors take away the writer’s bubble of creativity by refusing to trust them, failing to recognize that a writer emulates the person, the situation, the character with each clientele. A writer thinks, acts and becomes like the person they’re writing.
Accept that every writer will have their own style of writing. Allow them creative freedom. Learn to trust their instincts.
Dickens, Austen and J.K Rowling are proof enough that no matter what the writing style, a great piece of writing will remain so, no matter what. - Give them their spotlight
Disjointed blurbs and half hearted mentions apart, multi author blogs in which everything is posted under the pompous title of admin are cringe-worthy in the extreme.
Give your writer’s some credits. - Let them in
Hold brainstorming sessions with your writer, let them voice their insights, and trust them. Great editors recognize the potential of writers and have faith in their capabilities. If a writer can’t be trusted, they shouldn’t be on your team. - Hold contests
Organize contest once in a while among all writers in your company, employee bloggers and copyrighters, to encourage them to help them better their own forte as well as experiment with new concepts.
At sunSTRATEGIC, we give freedom to our writers and celebrate their individuality. We’re a leading voice in the area of social, content, branding, digital, we serve to revive, ignite and elevate brands. To know more, head to sunSTRATEGIC.