Playing Chess at Work
“Chess is an exercise of infinite possibilities for the mind, one which develops mental abilities used throughout life: concentration, critical thinking, abstract reasoning, problem solving, pattern recognition, strategic planning, creativity, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation, to name a few.”
Chess has long been associated with brainiacs and far sighted people who were adept at planning stratagems’ in advance. It was played by some of the most intellectual men the world ever flaunted like Pascal, Napolean, etc. who’ve earned their place in history.
There are many of us who seek respite from the monotonous work of our office jobs by involving ourselves in a game (or two!) of chess.
While some of us are fortunate enough to have PCs who aren’t protected against gaming, others have to make do with wishful thinking of how much their performance could improve if they had been allowed to indulge in this game requiring the utmost of skills and strategy.
Chess increases the problem solving capabilities of people, by making them adept in far sightedness and how to checkmate their opponent. Its all about how you can place your opponent’s king out of the squares and slay the game!
Studies show that chess has also been used to play a significant role in developing the verbal capabilities of children. This is astonishing, to say the least for a game which is independent of any verbal skills. Studies go on to show that playing chess simulates those areas of the brain which are helpful in developing a lot of major activities.
Chess isn’t just meant for growing children only. It has been seen that chess is a pro in the game for bolstering the cognitive reserve of elderly people, thus reducing the chances of Dementia and Alzheimer’s by a long shot.
Chess teaches us logic and efficiency, the ability to see all odds before we move a step. This has an uncanny similarity to how life pans out as well, doesn’t it? Each step we take has the ability to divert us to great heights or lie in the sea of normalcy. Similarly for the chess played, each move can either be one step towards checkmating the opponent’s king out of the game, or one in which he’s himself checkmated.
Chess tells us about the consequences of planning in advance. The better player is the one which can survive the loss of a pawn but withstand it by keeping his major soldiers intact. Similarly, planning in advance has us prepared for any unforeseen eventualities.
Clearly, chess at work needs to be integral part. So instead of employed covertly trying to play the game, how about putting aside an hour each day to indulge in this playful activity? Your employees will love you, and who wouldn’t fall for a work culture which not only allows, but actively promotes the playing of games too?
Win-win, did we hear someone say?
Fun culture.. Oh! Did you mean sunSTRATEGIC?
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