Social Media Likes
Social Media- we are all part of it. As per statistics as of January 2020, around 3.6 billion people worldwide use social media, that’s almost half of the world’s population! The same study also shows that, on average, a person spends 144 minutes per day on social media websites. These numbers show that social media has penetrated our lives to a great extent. Judging people by their social media profile is a norm in today’s technologically driven society. The number of likes that one receives for their posts is such a dominating factor. If someone receives 200 likes on a post, it automatically makes them more significant than the one who gets just 10. But the question remains, should the likes or dislikes affect your self-esteem and be tied with self-worth?
Let us look at it in a very practical manner. For example, you may have around 400 friends on Facebook, but, in real life, there aren’t more than 30 people who you consider genuine friends. So, what’s the real point in seeking validation online from the other 370 people or from people who don’t even know you? The pressure to be socially accepted can be too much to handle. The number of likes one gets is usually directly proportionate with their self-esteem and self-worth. People who are high on self-confidence might not be affected as much, but for people who suffer from low-confidence, this whole ‘like game’ might just impact them in a very negative manner. By constantly comparing one’s life with that of others, one can become depressed and anxious. This may lead to low self-confidence, low self-esteem and ultimately lead to a lack of self-worth.
Social media is a great place to reconnect, get to know people, discover new things, learn about trends and much more. With social media being a constant part of our lives, the lines between the virtual world and the real world are blurred. However, it is necessary to realize that your self-worth should not be tied to the number of likes you receive. So, the next time when you start thinking “I am such a loser!” or “Why can’t my life like that?”, remember it’s time you re-evaluate not your life, but the way you use social media platforms. Your self-worth is a lot more than just a few ‘likes’.