Social media marketing vs traditional marketing | BLOG | sunSTRATEGIC

Social media marketing vs traditional marketing

Businesses for all these years have been traditionally promoted and boosted. Methods like newspaper advertisements and banners were the foremost choice for advertisers or marketing teams, until social media platforms were established. The days of print marketing, broadcasting and direct mails have long gone because of the social media platforms and unique methods of marketing like LinkedIn and Pinterest.

Social Media

Due to the rise of the internet and the power of social media, marketing strategies have developed innovatively. Unlike traditional marketing, digital media enables you to reach people without physical hassles. Furthermore, with a mobile advertisement on the rise, the entire landscape of advertising has changed. With social media, you can have a wider range of audience by a source that is easily accessible and cheaper, then why not go for it? Marketing teams have reached out to social media for brand endorsements and business enhancement because it has turned out to be the best.

Traditional Media

Traditional methods still hold importance since social media does not reach out to the entire population. However, with latest policies by the government and the telecom giants to provide cheaper phones and even cheaper services, social media is spreading faster than one could imagine.

Why Social Media over Traditional Media?

For instance, you want to promote your fashion brand, then having an Instagram profile for your brand would be much more fruitful that posting an ad in any newspaper. All brand marketing needs authentication. When brands or businesses are promoted online, they can be verified by their online profile. On the other hand, when you post a newspaper ad, people might see the ad and ignore it because they can’t see your designs or your companies profile or how you work. It gives a huge setback when you can’t display your work or product/design properly.

Traditional. Still relevant?

Billboards and flyers again may be the most used traditional methods of promotions, yet now a days, online advertisements are becoming better means. People from all around the world, surf the net all day long and if they get to see your ads at least once or twice a day, it makes an impact on their mind.

Final Verdict

Social media platforms like LinkedIn have taken a huge hype in business promotions. Unique methods, larger and cheaper platform, more expressive form and all the benefits that traditional marketing methods cannot give. Social media platform has revived the ways of promoting business and has proven itself over a last few years. Though traditional methods still benefit clients, but the real catch has to be social media.


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