The best way to prevent ticket scalping

Entertainment has always been a convenient target of ticket scalping. You will come across various instances where buyers purchased the ticket at unreasonable rates. During the pre-sale tickets of The Tragically Hip’s tour, many fans brought tickets ten times costlier than the original ticket price. A similar thing happened in Adele’s US tour; many tickets were up for sales on various websites unauthorizedly at higher rates. The good news is, many software developers have built apps to prevent ticket scalping.

Why is ticket scalping still alive in the digital age?

Before the internet changed everything, the ticket touts used to sell tickets at insanely high prices. Sellers thought they had nipped this illegal activity in the bud, but now they are dealing with programmed bots that scalp maximum tickets. According to market research, automated software books about 40% of tickets to resell on other unauthorized platforms, regardless of stringent laws against this activity. These programmed bots have become a pain in the neck for many sellers. 

The impact 

The primary victim of ticket scalping or ticket reselling is the online buyer and not always the seller. Many unauthorized websites sell the ticket for double price or more. This situation can even impact the original seller’s business as there will be outrage, or potential customer may not buy the tickets at all. 

The solution 

If you run an online ticket agency, instead of waiting for the government to make a complete crackdown on those unauthorized sellers, you can take advantage of software that blocks bots. This soft is designed with highly advanced TOS. The bot detection is equipped with a mechanism to detect every kind of programmed bots in real-time and keep your website safe from ticket scalping. 

There is no knowing how much technology can surprise us. One has to be prepared for more advanced ticket scalping bots. The best thing sellers can do is, keep their websites safeguarded with a bot manager.