The consumers that won’t adapt to the new normal.

In a world struck by this unforeseen and unfortunate pandemic the entire world has been disrupted from its status quo and there is no notion of “normalcy”. This is just how it is, and the new normal that we look forward too is not really every going to be like the time before COVID19. Its a whole new standard of living that will come in future and be considered the normal. However a lot of people are still hoping and so stubbornly wishing for it to all go back to the way it was, they have not yet accepted the fact that the world around them has gone through a rapid and sudden change and no matter how fast and uncertain the change was, the truth is it has permanently affected the lives and our lifestyle to come in the next years. 

Brands, businesses, all sectors are moving forward with a new action plan to meet the new needs and demands of the hour. They are doing away with their traditional approached and reaching for more modern techniques to get the job done as effectively as possible. If a consumer refuses to change along with the world and how its coping and adapting to the crisis they are not going to have their needs met properly. The older generation has been especially struggling with the digitisation of most things and it will take a lot of time to reset their ways and include the new ways in their lives from now on but if they do not, they might be feeling left out and have their goals unfulfilled. 

To make it easier on everyone, brands and entities will have to make gradual, assisted and accessible changes to their existing functions and features making sure that nobody is left behind and that their demands are satisfied too.