The rise and fall of celebrities

Celebrities, with enormous fame and glamor, have become modern-day royalty. We all follow them as idols, by giving them our minds, hearts, and wallets. We idealize their standards of living and everything we see about them, but the fact is we know nothing real about any of them.

There are so many aspiring celebrities across the world who want to achieve that kind of prestige and fan following. They want to be loved by their fans and in the process, they tend to forget the immense sacrifices that come with being a celebrity.

It’s not only about having huge mansions and cars, their life is not their own but created from the expectations of society towards them. They cannot enjoy simple things as normal people do. They have a lot of people watching their every movement – some with adoration, some with hatred and jealousy, and some always judging them. Society puts too much pressure on them to be perfect, and when they fail to meet our levels of expectations, we burn them to the ground. 

The lives of celebrities look glamorous and shiny from the outside but even the biggest celebrities go through with some drastic issues. There are various stories about celebrities who came from nothing and achieved everything, but the opposite also often happens.