What is B2B and B2C marketing?
B2B or Business to Business marketing is when you promote your products or services to another business. For example, if you are a tire company and you are promoting it to a car manufacturer, this is a B2B marketing. In B2B, your focus lies on your product itself and all its features. There is no place for an emotional connect here. You want to focus on what the business wants and what is important to them. Once you have that figured out, you pitch your product to them based on their requirements and your vantage points. You need to show them why they need to avail your services, how it benefits them and how it saves them money compared to other competitors.
B2C or Business to Consumer marketing is when you promote your products or services to the consumers. Here also you must definitely focus on your product and its features but your consumers will also require an emotional connect. Thye are not interested in a lengthy marketing message that you would give to businesses. They want you to get straight to the point. Customers have a much shorter processing time than businesses. They might make a decision to buy your products within a few minutes or take a few days. In any case, they already have a vast array of brands who want their attention. Your brand needs to make its own place by appealing to the emotions of the consumer so they may make a choice favoring your brand. B2C customers are purchasing with the intent of making their lives easier.