Why ensure accessibility to specially-abled
We must thank God every day of our life if we have no disabilities at all. It’s an ugly fact of life that not everyone is provided with privileges some may take for granted. Only a disabled person can understand the struggle one has to face throughout life. Of course, it is quite impolite to call someone disabled. The perfect word is differently-abled or specially-abled to address someone with a physical condition.
An ideal society should leave no stone unturned to make sure differently-abled people find no difficulty when it comes to accessibility. Many countries have come up with laws to preserve the rights of specially-abled people in their constitution. It is a fact that many people with disabilities are competent enough to work in any company; denying them employment, education, and other facilities will be a stigma on any society.
The following are some of the changes one must make in specific public sectors, especially for differently-abled people.
- New public facilities
Public facilities such as parks, sports stadiums, and so on must be accessible. The design should accommodate people with different disabilities. These facilities will become a good gesture of humanity.
- The public-use
The public place consists of restrooms or washrooms, specially-abled people find it quite challenging to use them because they are not designed as per their comfort. A few modifications can make things easier for differently-abled people. One can renovate or redesign public facilities.
- Corporate world
The good news is many corporate world companies are meant only for specially-abled people. You will find a company for blind, deaf, mute people, and so on. These companies have helped many differently-abled people to cope with their insecurities and become successful in their lives just like others.